Lady Fortunes® Picture Cookies Requested At The White House


Lady Fortunes® has been invited to participate in the Second Annual Party For The President Day hosted by First Lady Laura Bush. Lady Fortunes® White Belgian

Chocolate Oreos were spotted at the International Fancy Food Show the previous year by an executive White House Chef, samples of Lady Fortunes® Picture Oreos® with the
Presidential Seal were requested and Lady Fortunes® made a “fortune”-ate impression!

Chief Confectionary Officer
Daria Artem was invited to the White House to create the cookies for the First Family. Ms Artem plans on flying to Washington DC in mid-April to produce the commission for the White House. “I am honored at the invitation to participate and I hope that the president will like [Lady Fortunes] cookies!” said Artem when asked to comment on her reaction. “You just never know when Lady Fortune will smile on you and bring you a new and exciting opportunity!”

Previously in 2003 Lady Fortunes® gained National Publicity with a series of Chocolate Picture Cookies entitled “Go Vote! Picture CookiesTM”. USA Today, Lucky Magazine, NBC, Fox News and many other publications and networks picked up the gourmet gift as a sweet and unique way to spread the message to go and vote. 

The patriotic cookies were custom made by Lady Fortunes® and offered between July 2003 and November 2003.
